Home News B2C singers mourn the passing on of Mr. Lee’s mother

B2C singers mourn the passing on of Mr. Lee’s mother


The singing trio B2C Entertainment is saddened by the lose of Mr. Lee’s mother who breathed her last on Tuesday morning.

The unfortunate news concerning the passing on of Mr. Lee’s mother was made public through their official social media accounts though they didn’t disclose what exactly caused the death of Mr. Lee’s mother.

With sincere regret, we announce the death of our beloved mother (Mama Mr. Lee) who passed on earlier this morning. May the Lord strengthen us with the entire family and B2C lovers. RIP TO MAMA NALONGO We going to truly miss you our sweetheart


Following the announcing of the passing on of Mr. Lee’s mother, their fans and fellow celebrities sent in condolences while comforting the singer to stay strong and keep trusting in God.

May Her Soul Rest In Eternal Peace!