Home Entertainment Fresh Kid to pursue secondary education at GEMS

Fresh Kid to pursue secondary education at GEMS

Bobi - Fresh Kid
Bobi - Fresh Kid

Fresh Kid a talented youngster rapper completed his primary level of education at Kampala Parents School with the support of a bursary.

However, during his press conference ahead of his just-concluded event, Fresh Kid, born Patrick Ssenyonjo, wished to pursue his secondary and pleaded for support from well-wishers.

As he held his show yesterday, Hon. Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi assured him that he should not worry about his next level of education.

Midway through her speech, the Minister revealed that if all goes as planned Fresh Kid will pursue his studies at Cambridge International School Kampala (GEMS).

It should be remembered that he comes from a humble background with a humble father who could not afford to give him a good education.

However, the young talented artist was spotted by a music manager who managed to uplift him and start the music business giving him the stage name Fresh Kid.

Following the news that Hon. Nakiwala revealed on the stage, Fresh Kid’s shine is going to shine brightest since he is going to elevate his standards to an even better platform.

Ever since he was given the opportunity to study at Kampala Parent’s, it’s evident that his spoken is of quality thanks to the efforts invested in by his school teachers and parents who take good care of him.