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“Let’s avoid Unnecessary Drama”- Diana Marua calls out person who stole her iPhone 14 pro max

Diana Marua

Diana Marua is urging the person who stole her iPhone 14 promax last Saturday to return it.

Diana lost the phone while attending the traditional wedding of fashion designers Bolo Bespoke and Mueni in Mchakos County.

The YouTuber said she will offer a handsome reward in exchange for the phone, which has her important information and files.

She urged the one responsible for the theft to save themselves from drama and embarrassment as the phone was being tracked.

“Jana sherehe ilibamba but the consequences za kujiachilia unfortunately I lost my phone. My urge to whoever has that phone nirudishie. We are really trying to save time. It is actually being tracked right now. So let’s save time, energy, embarrassment a lot of drama. That phone has all of my life in it, tusaidiane tu. Ukiniletea simu I will sort you out, mimi ni Aunt Madoo and I will make sure that I compensate you handsomely,” she said.

She further warned that whoever will be found using the phone will get arrested.

“Whoever Stole my IPhone 14 Promax yesterday in Masii, I urge you to return it because anyone found using it will be arrested. If you know the suspect, Call this number 0715 544 288. All my work is on that phone. If you return it out of goodwill, I have a Cash Prize for you. Let’s avoid Unnecessary Drama,” she said.