Home Entertainment Golola Moses Sets Sight On Becoming A Hollywood Actor

Golola Moses Sets Sight On Becoming A Hollywood Actor

Moses Golola flexing his muscles

Renowned kickboxer Moses of Uganda Golola has revealed that he is working on his dream of becoming a Hollywood actor at one point in life. He said he has been trying to get into the film industry and he is very happy that someone finally gave him a chance to act in their movie.

Golola Moses is famously known for boxing and being very strong. He usually jokes that his energy can impregnate a lady by just looking at them. He even says he is interested in dating celebrity women and that is who his energy draws him too.

According to the boxer, he is not educated but he has managed to meet educated people and he has worked with them. He said he wished his parents were well off to send him to school. Although he is not fluent in English, Golola said he will make sure he achieves all his dreams.

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“My dream is to be a Hollywood actor and I will make sure I achieve that. I know I am not good at speaking English as I am less educated but I have managed to meet and work with much-educated people,” he said.

It should be noted that the boxer has won quite a number of medals and belts in his fighting career. Through this, he has amassed product endorsements from a number of companies. Since dreams sometimes do come true, maybe one day we shall see the boxer kicking his way into Hollywood.