Home Entertainment John Blaq’s support propels Zafaran Josephine to stardom

John Blaq’s support propels Zafaran Josephine to stardom

Singer Zafaran Josephine

Swangz Avenue singer Zafaran Josephine has expressed gratitude towards fellow singer John Kasadha, known by the stage name John Blaq, for his support and encouragement in her rise to stardom.

She credits him for believing in her talent and providing her with opportunities to break through and shine.

The “Enafuya” singer noted that since she embarked on her music career, she has often interacted with individuals who wish her well and those who wanted to see her progress. One in particular is John Blaq who explains that there is no way she can pay back to him for the support he extended to her. 

She also assured the public how the self-styled African Bwoy treats her well to the extent that she feels like John Blaq treats her just like one of his little sisters something that she doesn’t take for granted. 

“Nze ndabye abantu abalina emitima emirungi naye omuyimbi John Black ankkiririzaamu nnyo n’antwala nga mwannyina omuto n’ampa buli mukisa gwe yafuna okunsobozesa okwaka. Yannyamba okukula”, Zafaran Josphine.

Zafaran also thanked singer Maureen Nantume for giving her the chance to perform at her concert, which helped her to land different gigs and earn money.

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“Katonda ansobozesezza okusisinkana abantu abalungi era omuyimbi gwe nasooka okuyimbirako yali Maureen Nantume mu kivvulu kye era okuva awo ne ngenda mu maaso n’okufuna emirimu emirala okuyimbirako abayimbi ab’enjawulo” , Zafaran

Since that gig came her way, his life changed completely and she now lives a better life compared to the past years when she would struggle to afford a living.