Home Gossip Eddy Kenzo and Hon. Phiona Nyamutooro bonking on credit

Eddy Kenzo and Hon. Phiona Nyamutooro bonking on credit

Eddy Kenzo and hon. Nyamutooro

Based on the video clips that we have come across, it is safe to say that Big Talent Entertainment boss, Edriisa Musuuza a.k.a Eddy Kenzo, and novice Minister of State for Energy and Minerals, Hon. Phiona Nyamutooro are an item.

The pair are currently bonking on credit since they are yet to make their relationship official in the legally known ways as the Ugandan constitution states.

According to some clips making rounds online, Eddy Kenzo is seen performing at an event and he excitedly declares how he is happy to have a minister as his wife at home cooking for him.

In another clip, he is seen with his colleagues after a football game telling his buddies how excited he is after his ‘wife-to-be’  Hon. Nyamutooro had been appointed a minister as he couldn’t hide the joy. The friends also cheered him up as they congratulated him on the joy of having a minister wife for a person of his stature.

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Hon: Nyamutooro is yet also to deny the rumors as in her recent interview on Galaxy TV hinted at the possibility of making his relationship official soon.

She disclosed that she will be welcoming her guests to the traditional marriage ceremonies when the right time comes to introduce the love of his life to her family members and friends.

Hon: Phiona Nyamutooro comes from West Nile and she is said to be an Alur by tribe. Further reports reveal that she sired a child with Eddy Kenzo believed to be a baby girl which makes the total number of Eddy Kenzo’s known children to be four – one boy and three girls.

Speaking in the interview, Hon: Nyamutooro disclosed that she had known Eddy Kenzo for quite some good time before she even became a minister as she used to attend events where Kenzo would perform.